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Reversing/▷ ETC

Arm, mips, ppc등 cross compile and excution

gcc compile 가능한 아키텍처 목록입니다

저는 그냥 multilib 만 깔아서 사용하였습니다.


sudo apt-get install gcc-7-multilib-arm-linux-gnueabi -y;sudo apt-get install gcc-7-multilib-arm-linux-gnueabihf -y;sudo apt-get install gcc-7-multilib-mips64el-linux-gnuabi64 -y;sudo apt-get install gcc-7-multilib-mips64-linux-gnuabi64 -y;sudo apt-get install gcc-7-multilib-mipsel-linux-gnu -y;sudo apt-get install gcc-7-multilib-mips-linux-gnu -y;sudo apt-get install gcc-7-multilib-powerpc64-linux-gnu -y;sudo apt-get install gcc-7-multilib-powerpc-linux-gnu -y;sudo apt-get install gcc-7-multilib-s390x-linux-gnu -y;sudo apt-get install gcc-7-multilib-sparc64-linux-gnu -y

How to compile?

arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc-7 -o test test.c (arm 32bit binary)

mips-linux-gnu-gcc-7 -o test test.c (mips 32bit binary)

mips64-linux-gnuabi64-gcc-7 -o test test.c (mips 64bit binary)

powerpc-linux-gnu-gcc-7 -o test test.c (ppc 32bit binary)

powerpc64-linux-gnu-gcc-7 -o test test.c (ppc 64bit binary)

s390x-linux-gnu-gcc-7 -o test test.c (IBM S/390 64bit binary)

sparc64-linux-gnu-gcc-7 -o test test.c (SPARC V9 64bit binary)

How to excution?

sudo apt-get install qemu-user-static

so many :)

예를들어 32bit mips 파일이면 그냥 ./로 하면 실행안되구 

qemu-mips-static -L /usr/mips-linux-gnu/ ./test

하면 실행된다 :D

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